Interactive Electronic Technical Manual is your PDF file i.e. user handbook, technical manual only. It is called Level -1 IETM.
IETM is one of the mandatory deliverables (DVD) along with any equipment to be supplied to Indian Defence. JSG is an agency that defines standards for every defense deliverable. JSG 0852:2015 is standard to prepare IETM documentation.
(If you have heard about JSS 0251, it is the standard defined to design your UHBs or technical manuals. JSS describes the layout of the document. I.e. Front page design, table of content design, header and footer, index, a record of amendment sheet, the structure of the content/document,etc are defined in JSS. Similarly,JSG 0852 is for IETM documentation.)
Level 2: (IETM)
IETM is having cross-references to one section of PDF to another section cross reference using hyperlinks is Level -2
In Level 3, all your manuals will be converted into to HTML pages and arranged in a linear structure in the form a of Table of content, tree as per the original manual.
Sections and sub-sections will be maintained as it is like in the original UHB. Hyperlinks. Next, the Previous buttons, search in page, manuals tab, and drawings tab will be available in Level -3.
Level -4 is more advanced than Level -3. All the manuals are converted into a database. IETM viewer is a web application/ software to view this IETM Level -4. Using IETM Viewer software, the database will be accessed and viewed.
Features of IETM LEVEL 4:
IETM 4 has powerful features like Search, Advanced search, Module wise search filter, Related topics, Sequential next and previous, history, Dynamic Login, Glossary, keywords, annotations, bookmark, full screen, Hot spots (text, image, Video), hyperlinks, user dashboard, user history tracking, and many more features.

Like PDF and MS word, this is not any document so that you can see a sample of 10 pages, etc. Names indicate technical manual but it is not any single file so that you can see a sample.
If you see the software once, you will get 100 % clarity about IETM. If you want to see the sample please contact us at: 9849527706 and we will arrange a quick demo or software walkthrough of live projectsso that you get a fullunderstanding of the architecture of IETM
For more detailed information click:
Your topics are very informative and useful for those who are searching for ietm beginners,,. And i will do continue coming to your website keep blogging…
Very good information for the future
Good info keep posting new things!!!
Really nice article and helpful me
Glad to hear that! keep commenting…
I Like it… Useful Post”
Good information, this is so useful
Your article helpled me to know more details about ietm levels and You have shared useful content , keep us updated! Thanks
Thanks for writing this great article for us. Looking forward to your next article.
I really appreciate you shared with such informative post, great tips and very easy to understand in IETM Levels.
Nice information about IETM . Thank you for great information about IETM all are follow this link… ❤️
Good information article and helpful nice good post
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone, Best explanation about ietm features and how software works, it is excellent knowledge about ietm.
Tank you
Nice post and thanks for sharing this blog’s 👍
I have seen your article in blog sites, which I have found in accurately useful. Thanks for sharing such a great concent. Keep sharing!!!!!!!!!!
Before studying this article I don’t know the IETM Levels after studying this I got the idea on IETM.
Thank you for your valuable information
I thinks this is the best way to explain about IETMs, it really helpful.
Good Information Posting new things and Helpful me…
This article is really helpful
This article is really helpful
This article is helpful and informative
It showed me the glimpse of this article
Every one having knowledge but there is no opportunity to prove themselves but you are giving that opportunity to prove …..thank you so much CODE AND PIXELS for your oppertunity,support and cooperation…….
Good info
Very Informative article.. Happy to know about ITEM. Keep posting!
Great information..✨ very useful beginners..
You have such a unique perspective
Good info keep posting new things!!! Sex
Good info keep posting new things!!!
I have seen u r article. It’s good keep doing
Good info
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone, Best explanation about ietm features and how software works, it is excellent knowledge about ietm.
Tank you
A detailed and an informative one.
It’s helpful to know about IETM
This content is well detailed and easy to understand for creating a good content.
Good info keep posting new things
Good overview
Good information keep posting
Good info and helpful me , keep updated!!!
This Information is useful for new technology and good concept to learn new things. Thank you
Best explanation about ietm features levels it is excellent knowledge about ietm.I really appreciate you shared with such informative post.
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone i learning to full article it ‘s really helpfull thank you
Happy to know about ITEM Levels 4. know more details about ietm levels and You have shared useful content.
Everyone has knowledge but no chance to prove themselves but you are giving that chance to prove.Who doesn’t give such opportunities but , ….lots of code and pixel for your chance, support and cooperation
This article is helpful and informative
It showed me the glimpse of this article
This is such a helpful and very informative. Thanks for posting. Looking more from your side.
Great article, this is really useful and good information for IETM, thanks!
Before studying this article I don’t know the IETM levels after studying this I got the idea kn IETM.
Thank you for your valuable information
If you’re questioning, what exactly is IETM?
This article will furnish you with comprehensive information about IETM and its classifications.
Very useful information thank you so much
Artical is so super.ietm explanation is very well.
Really nice article and helpful
This is such a helpful and very informative.
Good article
After studying this i got an idea on the IETM. Thank you for providing such useful information…..
Very informative and helpful for beginners
Very good and informative
Very informative
This article is very helpful thankyou for sharing
Very good information this article thank you for sharing the detailed information.
Most of people likes info it’s very important to everyone and has to be follow and learn few things about it keep posting in future too…
Most valuable information..
Glad to help, Keep Reading!!!
Very informative article, got good insight into IETM Thank you
Really nice article and helpful good
Very useful information
Very useful information regarding IETM.
Very use full Article
Glad to help, Keep Reading!!!
Useful information
Good information.
Easily we can use for quick reference
Nice good usefull article
Glad to help.,
Useful information about IETM
The information about the IETM classifications and standards is clearly described. This ietm’s features are excellent.
With your finest knowledge, you clearly explained the IETM conversion and features!
Code and Pixels and its staff put in a lot of work.
Great content! Thank you for all the information granted with this great post.
Good info keep posting new things!!!
The best explanation of IETM capabilities and software functionality, this article is truly nice and beneficial to everyone. It is amazing information on IETM….
Nice information
Nice info
Nice information about IETM levels after studying this I got the idea on IETM thank you so much CODE AND PIXELS for your oppertunity.
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone I really appreciate you shared with such informative post.
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone I really appreciate you shared with such informative post I don’t know the IETM Levels after studying this I got the idea on IETM.
Best explanation about ietm features and how software works, it is excellent knowledge about ietm levels.
It is very helpful for every one, who doesn’t know about IETM, LEVEL-1 and JSG0852 Documentation
Very valuable information
You often find new or creative solutions !!
I learned a lot from reading this post.
Good information and well explained. Useful information
Very great information
Very useful and informative about IETM levels
Nice useful information
Good information
Very informative article
This article is really helpful for beginners Very good information for the future
Good article for beginners and it’s useful.
Well information about IETM and given level-1 to Level-4 information helpful every one, thank you sir
It’s really nice article and helpful to everyone I really appreciate you shared with such informative post I don’t know about the IETM but it’s very useful information, thank you
Nice . And helpful
Thank you for sharing good information
Interesting 👍
Useful information of IETM and JSG0852 Documentation for every one
Good information for who are wants to know about IETM software, Thank you for providing the information.
Valuable information about IETM
for begginers.. Well explained
New information to me. How to work softwares and how to work IETM articles information is well
Thank you for providing the information of IETM, Very useful to all
Very Good information about IETM and much use full to us and
Thanks for sharing this link.
Thank you it helps me alot on IETM from the past few days i am searching on ietm but i didn’t find anything finally i found it quora. Thankyou for the blog